The train journey time between Newark and New York is around 21 min and covers a distance of around 10 miles. Find trains to New York Citys Penn Station from Boston Washington DC and 500 other cities. There are 7 ways to get from S College Ave Kent Way to New York by train bus car or plane..
There are 6 ways to get from Newark Airport EWR to Manhattan by bus tram train. Result There are 5 ways to get from Newark to Manhattan by train subway bus taxi or car. Result NJ TRANSIT trains are the fastest and easiest way from Newark Airport to. There are 8 ways to get from Newark Airport EWR to New York by train tram bus taxi. The Newark Airport is accessible via public..
WEB There are 5 ways to get from Newark Airport EWR to Trenton by train taxi car or towncar. . . Trains from Newark Airport to Trenton. WEB Find and compare train tickets from Newark Airport to Trenton New Jersey Use momondo to search one-way and. Newark Liberty International Airport 507 PM..