Verbs of Accusation
Direct Accusations
Definition: to accuse (someone) of (doing something wrong) *
Conjugation: strong third-person singular present
wirft vor, past tense
warf vor, past participle
vorgeworfen *
Example: Man machte ihm den Vorwurf der Bestechlichkeit. (He was accused of corruption.)
Definition: to accuse (someone) of (doing something wrong) *
Conjugation: weak verb, past tense
beschuldigte, past participle
beschuldigt *
Example: Sie beschuldigte ihn des Diebstahls. (She accused him of theft.)
Definition: to accuse (someone) of (a crime) in a court of law *
Conjugation: weak verb, past tense
klagte an, past participle
angeklagt *
Example: Er wurde wegen Mordes angeklagt. (He was accused of murder.)
Indirect Accusations
Definition: to remark (on something), to point out *
Conjugation: weak verb, past tense
bemerkte, past participle
bemerkt *
Example: Sie bemerkte ihre Unpünktlichkeit. (She pointed out his unpunctuality.)
Definition: to emphasize (something), to stress *
Conjugation: weak verb, past tense
hob hervor, past participle
hervorgehoben *
Example: Er hob die Bedeutung von Bildung hervor. (He stressed the importance of education.)
Definition: to underscore (something), to emphasize *
Conjugation: weak verb, past tense
unterstrich, past participle
unterstrichen *
Example: Sie unterstrich die Wichtigkeit von Teamwork. (She emphasized the importance of teamwork.)
Verbs of accusation are powerful tools that can be used to express both direct and indirect disapproval. When used responsibly, they can help to bring attention to wrongdoing and hold people accountable for their actions. However, it is important to use these verbs with caution, as they can also be used to spread rumors or damage someone's reputation. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.